Jun 22, 2023

Getting the Right Cases and Cutting Costs are Critical to the Success of Your Personal Injury Practice

Posted by : ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

A personal injury practice can be very profitable, but only if it’s managed correctly. A considerable part of your success is getting the right clients while reducing your cost of acquisition. If these are issues that interest you, ZeroRisk Cases can help.

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You’re probably finding that you need to work much harder at getting the right clients. You’re investing more time and money into marketing and advertising. One way to address this is to look at case portfolio risk and improve profitability through a better case intake system.

New cases over a given, estimated case value should be reviewed and approved by the partnership (or intake committee) before the firm would accept a case. This way your firm won’t be going out on a financial limb because one partner or attorney is taking cases with high levels of risk or that need a lot of investment.

Deferred profits from contingency fee work can cripple a firm or lead to its demise. Contingency-fee cases may pose a significant risk for your firms because there’s no income if the case goes to trial and loses or if the case drags on, income may take years to materialize. You need a diverse case portfolio to limit your exposure.

The flip side of your firm’s income is your expenses. One area to consider is marketing and advertising. Many personal injury firms spend substantial amounts of money in these areas in hopes of generating clients.

  • Traditional advertising is costly and mostly “builds your brand” and “puts your name out there” but without useful data, it’s hard to establish if you’ve benefited. Billboards, radio ads, TV ads, and mass transit ads are in the background of our lives. They’re just blurs we largely ignore.
  • The marketing of personal injury firms on the internet is highly competitive and that competition drives up costs. You can try social media and content marketing so your website or landing page rank highly on search results, but these campaigns are expensive and take time.
  • Search engine marketing, or paying for high placements on search engine results by bidding on related search terms used by prospects, can be prohibitively expensive if you’re in a competitive market. Other personal injury firms are bidding on these terms, too, driving up the demand for a limited supply of search terms.

ZeroRisk Cases uses highly sophisticated marketing and advertising campaigns so you won’t have to. We attract potential clients your firm needs. Our multi-channel lead generation programs use Google search, emails, web banner ads, social media, online surveys, and offline, traditional advertising to inform those who’ve been injured of their legal rights. You won’t need to push money into advertising and marketing and then hope for results. You would only pay for results.

After a prospect contacts us, he or she is screened to ensure quality, and our Intake Team walks the person through the intake process. We become an integral part of your intake process because we only pass on to you those types of claims and clients you seek.

Get started before your competitors do…there is a limit to how many clients we can onboard.

Contact us for a quote.

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ZeroRisk Cases®
Call 833-ZERORISK (833-937-6747)

Getting the Right Cases and Cutting Costs are Critical to the Success of Your Personal Injury Practice
Article Name
Getting the Right Cases and Cutting Costs are Critical to the Success of Your Personal Injury Practice
A considerable part of your success is getting the right clients while reducing your cost of acquisition. If these are issues that interest you, ZeroRisk Cases can help.
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ZeroRisk Cases, LLC
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